Asociación de Empresarios del Henares
AEDHE is a non-profit, territorial and multisector Business Association founded in September 1977, becoming one of the pioneer and most influential territorial business associations in the Region of Madrid. It is composed of more than 500 Entrepreneurs and Companies of all sectors and sizes with an associative and collaborative vocation, being its natural scope of action the 17 municipalities that shape the Henares´ Corridor, eastern area of the Region of Madrid.
Specific capabilities that AEDHE brings as a partner to the CINDERELA project are articulated around the activity of two of its Commissions:
- Committee on Innovation, Emerging Technologies and ICT. Its objective is to promote knowledge about the Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) processes, establishing these as the backbone of the company's operations in order to achieve the required levels of competitiveness in more global markets. In addition, to encourage the use of ICTs and the development of effective channels of technology transfer, knowledge and good practices.
- Committee on Industry, Energy, Competitiveness and Environment. The industry continues to play an unquestionable role as economic engine of the area, addressing among its goals:
- Improve business competitiveness
- Access funding
- Internationalization
- Improve productivity through the control of productive costs, logistics, energy, etc.