Platforma za e-učenje
Če želite postati Cinder svetovalec, se prijavite za našo platformo za e-izobraževanje.
Sharing knowledge and experiences is crucial in the transition towards a circular construction sector across Europe. As a way of facilitating this, the CINDERELA project will soon launch an e-learning platform. This platform provides stakeholders in the European construction industry with the skills and competences necessary to implement a Circular Economy Business Model.
CINDERELA Massive Open Online Course
The e-learning platform will include a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with several learning modules related to circular construction. This learning environment will be openly accessible to anyone interested, and allows people to interact with each other and with the CINDERELA experts. Collaboration is facilitated through Q&A forums, chats and guided discussions.
As of now, the CINDERELA MOOC is divided into four consecutive learning modules with different sub-modules. While the project progresses, more modules might be added to enrich the learning process. The course structure is as follows:
Module 1 | Circular construction
- Introduction to the European construction sector
- Valorising waste: a circular approach
- Tools and methods
- Assessment
Module 2 | Circular Economy Business Models
- Introducing CEBM in the construction sector
- Implementing CEBM
- Case study
- Assessment
Module 3 | Introduction to CinderOSS
- The CINDERELA One-Stop-Shop service
- CinderOSS Database
- Digital Business Ecosystem
- CinderOSS Community
- Assessment
Module 4 | Operating CinderOSS
- Technical instruction
- Assessment
CinderOSS explainer videos
Module 3 and 4 of the CINDERELA MOOC include screen capture videos explaining how to use the different functions of CinderOSS. You can watch these videos below.