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OpenContent (OC) is a SME located in Trento (Italy) specialized in digital transformation methodologies and ICT web-based technologies with a twofold mission: simplify the content/information management process inside and between small, medium and large organizations and enabling the possibility to extract the maximum value from content and information stored in the ICT systems.

OC has in its mission the idea to prosecute a sustainable business model in an overall world changing economy, with the vision to become part of a world networked economy, where an “open” approach is really realized, where everyone (citizens, associations, public and private organizations) has the required information at their fingertips, where everyone can access the data required and to find useful elements for their value chain.

Image: Opencontent


via Galilei 24 - 38122 Trento


OC pursues an opensource and opendata inspired business model that assures the economic viability of achievements focusing on real innovation and efficiency and reusing already developed building blocks, within the possibilities offered by its partners and customers with other onplace available ICT systems.


Contact personPhoneE-mailRole
Simona Zelli +39 0461 917437 Project Manager



Involvement in the project

Involvement in the project OC provides to the project and to the other partners its multiple-years of experience in ICT methodologies and technologies, in order to develop and integrate the ICT platform required by the project to implement and delivery the CinderOSS service in alignment with the EU Digital Single Market guidelines and standards, using a headless semistructured web storage, allowing the possibility to establish a Circular Economy Digital Business Ecosystem based on the technologies developed and experimented in CINDERELA.
Business OC pursues an opensource and opendata inspired business model that assures the economic viability of achievements focusing on real innovation and efficiency and reusing already developed building blocks, within the possibilities offered by its partners and customers with other onplace available ICT systems.


+39 0461 917437