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Fundación Gómez Pardo (FGP)/ Gomez Pardo Foundation

The FGP is private non-profit entity founded in 1873.

The main activity of the FGP is focused on the permanent support of mining and engineering schools and colleges, especially in Madrid. Together they collaborate on the research and investigation in the mining sector, promoting development and education throughout the creation of laboratories and scholarships for students.
It provides specialized training and manages the students’ residence, the publication’s service, the Felix Cañada Art Museum and several laboratories: the petrochemicals and fuels lab (LCP), the construction materials official lab (LOEMCO) which is one of the most prestigious verified laboratories in Spain, and the metallurgy, mineral processing and waste lab (LAMIMER) which provides analytical, technical and expertise services for mining industry.

Image: Fundación Gómez Pardo (FGP)/ Gomez Pardo Foundation


Calle Alenza 1, 28003 Madrid (Spain)


Contact personPhoneE-mailRole
Lidia Gullon Corral 0034 686 58 31 01 Metallurgy lab responsible



Involvement in the project

WP3: Contributions to the definition of the flow chart for the process of recycling the main waste in the Madrid-Henares area and its potential for use in the area and also contributions based on their experiences and knowledge prior to the evaluation of the value chain and SRM definition of the construction framework
WP5: Test performance for the definition of the construction products manufacturing procedure. Support the demonstrations of the pilot production plant in Spain, which will be built on the basis of the results of the batch tests that will be obtained in the FGP laboratories
WP6: Quality control during the pilot production and supervision of the pilot works executed in the Henares’ demos to guarantee the mechanical properties of the manufactured materials or used in demos. Assessment of the new products’ behavior once they are incorporated in the pilots, compared to the batch test results previously performed. Lead the WP 6.3 (revitalization of the degraded area with SRM-based construction products)
WP7: Contributions to the development of the LCA, providing information on new products manufactured with construction and demolition waste in the pilot demonstrations in Spain.
WP8: Contributions to market analysis
WP9: Contributions to the dissemination by participating in promotional activities.


0034 914 417 921