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The eco-cement studied in the CINDERELA project consists in the obtention of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) through the milling of inert SRM from CDW (glass, ceramic and concrete) and the mixing with commercial cement. The recycled inert SRM can be employed by direct replacement of Clinker during the cement production (up to 20% of replacement) or as a SCM directly employed in the manufacturing of cement-based products (up to 7% of cement replacement). In both scenarios, due to the cementitious activity of the milled SRM, the mechanical, chemical and physical properties of the commercial products are preserved or even improved.

The original CDW with moistures under 1% are grounded in a ball grinder to a particle size of <63 µm. 

Once obtained the grounded CDW (powder), a supplementary cementitious material is obtained. This recycled SCM is employed for the preparation of the eco-cements by replacing between 5 % and 7 % of the commercial Ordinary Portland Cement. The recycled SCM and the commercial OPC are blended in a high speed power mixer.

During the CINDERELA project, it has been proven and confirmed the most viable SRM from CDW and the characteristic that should fulfil the SRM in order to be employed as Supplementary Cementitious Material for the manufacturing of new eco-cement with reduced clinker content.

It was concluded that:

-          The most viable micronized SRM corresponds to the recycled concrete stream.

-          The fineness should be lower than 63 µm (the most similar to the fineness of the cement).

-          The maximum cement replacement should not exceed the 7%. The optimal cement replacement (direct replacement) is between 5 and 7%.

The replacement process can be done by direct replacement of a commercial cement (micronizing the SRM and mixing it with the cement).

Product value chain
Business Readiness Level
Technology Readiness Level
Commercial Readiness Level
Business Readiness Level

BRL are are way to cenchmark the current status of a venture - from concept to mature business.

  • 9
    Business model is final and scaling with growing recurring revenues that results in a profitable and sustainable business
  • 8
    Sales and metrics show business model holds and can scale
  • 7
    Product/market fit and customer payment willingness shown
  • 6
    Full business model including pricing verified on customers
  • 5
    First version of revenue model including pricing hypotheses
  • 4
    First projection show economic viability and market potential
  • 3
    Draft of business model in canvas
  • 2
    First possible business concept described
  • 1
    Hypothesis in business concept
Technology Readiness Level

TRL are type of a measurement system used to access the matirity level of particular technology.

  • 9
    System proven through successful operation
  • 8
    System proven trough successful test and demonstration
  • 7
    Prototype demonstration in operational environment
  • 6
    Prototype demonstration in relevant environment
  • 5
    Component validation in relevant environment
  • 4
    Component validation in laboratory environment
  • 3
    Proof of concept
  • 2
    Technology concept/application formulated
  • 1
    Basic principles observed and reported
Business Readiness Level

CRL define the spectrum of commercial maturity, from basic market research to full deployment.

  • 9
    Market introduction to the expressed need on the market
  • 8
    Identification of the product or service possessing the competencies
  • 7
    Definition of the necessary and sufficient competencies
  • 6
    Translation of the expected functionalities into needed capabilities
  • 5
    Identification of the systemic capabilities
  • 4
    Quantifiaction of the expected functionalities
  • 3
    Identification of expected functionalities
  • 2
    Identification of specific need
  • 1
    Basis Hypothesis: Something is missing